Sunday, July 2, 2017

Lincoln Land Charity Championship

After reflecting on the past couple of weeks with the Web.Com Tournament preparation week followed by the event week there is a group of gentlemen I want to shine the lights on. This staff picture to the left is the staff that came together to put out some of the best conditions I have been a part of with tournament golf. Everyone stepped up whether they were weed eating bunkers and ponds, to wading waist deep into #16 pond cutting down and removing cattails. I couldn’t be happier with the effort that was put forward along with the positive attitude everyone came to work with everyday regardless of how much sleep they had gotten the night before or how little they were able to spend time at home. With 8 days straight of starting work at 4:30am for the morning shift and then retuning and working until 9:00pm into the night all of these team members “came to play”.
                                                                                                                     Along with the staff the vendors that do business with the agronomy department also came to the rescue will all of the food and drink that was provided the entire week of the tournament.  
A couple of additional props goes to MTI Distributing from St. Louis for doing the special wrapping on  the hoods of the 5 carts they gave us to use for the week. This was really a nice touch that I saw last year at the Ryder Cup that was held at Hazeltine National. The other goes to SiteOne supply who provided us with blue and red tournament golf shirts to wear during the event. This made us all feel really special and like a unified team on the course.
 FINALLY the biggest thank you goes to the Panther Creek Country Club Members, and Board for allowing us to work such a fine event, and to really put our course on display for the best young players in the game. I hope you were as proud as I was to see Panther Creek on display and showing its teeth!!!! Have a wonderful summer.