Sunday, December 17, 2017

Glorious Rain!!!

Yesterday after seeing a picture and a twitter post of a good friend in Omaha watering his greens I commented that if we didn't see rain this morning,we would probably have to fire up the troubled irrigation system and bury the course in water for a couple of days. Then mid-week re-winterize the system but for the sake of healthy turf next spring it would have had to be done.Many colleagues and turf friends have had to fire up their systems in the past couple weeks due to the turf wilting away and with no rain in sight. Lucky for us here in Springfield this morning we have been getting a turf saving rain. Now instead of going on twitter and making my friends jelous I'm just going to wipe my forehead and thank my lucky stars. Once the rain clears the area the course will be open for play. Have a blessed Sunday.

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