Thursday, March 2, 2017

2017 GOLF SEASON IS HERE!!!  I hope everyone has had the opportunity to get outside and enjoy some of the bonus days we received in February and now at the beginning of March. Here at the course we have been working diligently on refurbishing the golf course accessories, along with starting to mow some of the playing surfaces on the course.

Head Professional Pat Bayley and I will be putting an emphasis on filling divots, fixing ball marks, and course care during the 2017 season. This picture is of an unrepaired ball mark from the first couple days of play. The biggest issue with opening in February as we did this year is the soil temperatures are only in the mid-forties. This means the only grass growing is Poa annua. Bentgrass, which  is our preferred playing surface on fairways, greens, and tees, does not start growing until the soil temperatures hit 50 degrees. Unfixed ball marks and divots give Poa annua an opportunity to establish, which will increase the amount of our poa annua populations and diminish playing conditions over time. The diagram above shows the proper way to fix a ball mark. The correct way to fill a divot is to pick up and replace as much of the divot as possible and then put a small amount of sand around the edges to help seal the turf back down. After applying the sand step down the area level so the fairway mowers don’t catch it in the reels.  I think most of the time we do a nice job with all of these and I know some of our members are overachievers when it comes to course care, but if we can get everyone pulling on the same side of the rope, we will all be proud to be members at the club.

The grounds department has been exploring new ways to communicate with all of the members in the past couple of months. We have started a new turf blog along with Twitter and Instagram accounts. Our goal is to give the members of Panther Creek up to date information about what is being done on the golf course. We will be using both lines of communication on a regular basis.

Twitter: @PantherGrounds
Instagram: PantherGrounds

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